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- Y A G G
- Yet Another Gravity Game
- (sorry for my bad English...)
- ->)|(<- What is YAGG ?
- YAGG is a gravity game like Roketz and Bratwurst. 2,3 or 4 player
- must destroy their opponents ASAP.
- ->)|(<- Installation
- Just drag YAGG drawer anywhere you want. No assigns are needed.
- ->)|(<- What do you need to run YAGG ?
- - A fast Amiga. 68030/25MHz or above highly recommended.
- - Kickstart v.39 (3.0) or above.
- - FastRam recommended.
- - At least 490KB free chip ram
- - AGA recommended (Blitter will thank you) but not required.
- YAGG is written in 40% assembly and 60% in BlitzBasic2. Due to using a
- high level language a data cache will increase the speed very much.
- YAGG opens a standard "intuition" screen, so you are free to use a screen
- promotor to use a non-PAL screenmode (e.g. try to activate the "mode
- promotion" option in Prefs/Icontrol). Anyway you should not use a vertical
- refresh frequency different by 50Hz.
- YAGG accesses directly to the blitter, anyway, it multitasks happily.
- YAGG has been successfully tested on:
- Amiga 4000/040 25MHz 8Mb Fast + 2Mb Chip Os3.0 SetPatch v40.16
- Amiga 4000/Ec030 25MHz 8Mb Fast + 2Mb Chip Os3.1
- in PAL e DblPAL AGA modes and ECS/OCS emulation modes.
- ->)|(<- SetUp screen
- Player1 O @ Keyboard Quit Available ships
- Player2 o Player name ----------------
- Player3 O Start |Plane |
- Player4 O |Eracle |
- |Nettuno |
- _ | |
- |_| Flames | |
- ----------------
- Last match winner
- _ _____ Shields
- |5| L. |350 | g Rot. sp.
- Ship infos ----> Ship mass
- ____________ Antispin
- Weapon1 O |Nothing | Acceleration
- Weapon2 O |Big Gun 1 | _________________
- Weapon3 O | | | |
- Weapon4 O | | | |
- ------------ | |
- | |
- | |
- Speed Damage | Ship picture |
- Shots/s Power | |
- Deviat Ammo <--- Weapon infos | |
- Range Time | |
- | |
- |_________________|
- ---------------------
- From top to bottom:
- Player ? - Select the current player
- @Keyboard - Selects how you want to drive your ship by. Adapt3, Adapt4,
- CPU modes are not yet implemented.
- PlayerName - Write your name here.
- Quit - The end.
- Start - Starts a new battle.
- Available ships - These are the ships you can use. Just click on the name
- of the ship and it will be displayed in the box below.
- Flames - Enable the "flame" effect.
- LastMatchWinner - It explains itself.
- L. - The number of lives.
- g - Gravity acceleration. Useful values are -3000...3000.
- Weapon ? - Each ship can mount up to 4 different weapons. Select here
- what mounting you are going to select the weapon. The
- mounting is highlighted in the ship box and you can select the
- type of weapon in the list.
- Each mounting can carry a certain amount of weight. According
- to the chip you have and the mounting you have choosed, the
- same weapon can have a different amount of ammunitions.
- Ship Infos:
- Shields - The damage yuor ship can sustain.
- Rot. sp. - Rotation speed.
- Mass - Ship mass.
- Antispin - How fast your ship regain control after an uncontrolled spin.
- Acceler. - Acceleration.
- Weapon infos:
- Speed - Starting bullet speed.
- Shots/s - Mah, I don't know :-)
- Deviat - The lower, the better precision
- Range - The distance the bullet can reach. In case of autoguided
- weapons this is the distance after which the missile begins to
- follow the nearest ship.
- Damage - Single bullet damage. (before arming and not counting
- splinters).
- Power - Average damage for 1 second burst.
- Ammo - Number of shots.
- Time - Lifetime of the bullet. For autoguided weapons this is the
- time after which the missile begins to follow the nearest ship.
- ->)|(<- Weapons
- Machine Gun 1-5 Standard gun. Medium range. Quite weak. Each
- model have it's own speed ang Shots/s rate.
- Bullets appears grey in color.
- Big Gun 1-3 Same as above, but the autofire is very slow. It's
- between 5 and 6 time more dangerous than MG.
- This is a long range weapon. Bullets are orange.
- Small Rocket 1-3 They have accelerated movement and an exposive
- head. They strike a damage just like BG1, but can
- bump your opponent against a wall.
- The color is white.
- Medium Rocket 1-3 They are similar to SR, but they are slower and
- 3-4 time more harmful.
- Large Rocket 1-3 More dangerous versions of MR. They are really
- powerful, but also very heavy. Usually you can
- carry only a few shells.
- Turbo Gun 1-3 High powered version of machine guns. Only little
- ships (which can't mount heavier weapons) can carry
- these guns.
- Missiles 1-4 Simple missiles. They are quile easy to avoid
- beacuse of their strong inertia, but don't try to
- exceed them in speed !
- When you launch a missile, it starts just like a
- small rocket. After a certain amount of time
- (lower in Mis-1, higher in Mis-4)), the missile
- begins to follow the nearest ship. So don't
- launch a missile-1 when your opponent is far and
- vice-versa.
- Mini Gun 1-3 Between MG and TG.
- Shooting missile 1-4 :-)) Really bad weapon. After they are armed
- (arming time varies very little), they begin to
- shot to the nearest ship. The higher the model,
- the longer is the lifetime.
- Class-A Smart Missile 1-4 Slow and hard to avoid missiles. They are a bit
- less powerful than standard missiles.
- Auto Rockets 1-3 Just like Small rockets, but they can change they
- direction a bit. You can hit yor opponent much
- more easily. Higher models have higher precision.
- Mine 1-5 Very very slow shooting missiles. You are
- recommended to not collide with them....
- Class-B Smart Missile 1-4 Faster version of Class-A smart missiles.
- If a missile (mines and Smart too) hits before being armed, it strikes a
- very low damage. Actually, you waste a bullet.
- ->)|(<- The game
- Ship controls are:
- Left and right - Rotate the ship.
- Up - Accelerate.
- Fire e - Shoots weapons 1 and 2.
- Down - Shoots weapons 3 and 4.
- Keys:
- 5
- Keyboard 1 LShift 1 2 3 numeric pad
- W
- Keyboard 2 RShift A S D B
- ^ ^
- |----------------|-- Double key
- Try to not bump against the wall. You must destroy your opponent before you
- can do it with you.
- To the edges of the screen are displayed the following informations:
- Lives (2 pixel = 1 life)
- Shiels
- Ammo1 (1 pixel = 16 bullets)
- Ammo2 (1 pixel = 16 bullets)
- Ammo3 (1 pixel = 2 bullets)
- Ammo4 (1 pixel = 2 bullets)
- Number of missiles that are following you.
- ->)|(<- Shareware notice
- This program is shareware. If you often use it, you must register.
- This software is subject to the "Standard Amiga FD-Software Copyright Note"
- It is SHAREWARE as defined in paragraph 4s. If you like it and use it
- regularly please send $10 to me (see below).
- For more information please read "AFD-COPYRIGHT" (Version 1 or higher).
- YAGG has the following limitations:
- - You can load only 7 ships.
- - When you load the game, you must wait 10 seconds.
- - After 3-5 matches YAGG quits and you have to reload it.
- If you want to regiter, fill the form at the end of this document and send
- it to me.
- Please send only cash, EUROcheque or postal orders. I cannot cash foreign
- cheques. I'll send you the password to disable all the above limitations.
- I also accept the registered version of a your program (if I like it, of
- course).
- If I will not receive enought registration agreements, I'll stop
- development.
- gradito e ne interromperò lo sviluppo.
- ->)|(<- How can you reach the author ?
- To pay the registration fee, send bugreports, ...
- Write to:
- Giuliano Pochini
- Via Torino 34
- 19122 La Spezia
- Italia
- Tel. +39-187-714863
- Or via e-mail:
- 2:332/807.18@fidonet.org
- ->)|(<- Greetings:
- Thanks to:
- Francesco Leonardi - Betatester and outhor of presentation screens.
- EMail: 2:332/807.19@fidonet.org
- Dario Pochini - My brother, author of a few ships and betatester.
- Jukebox/talent - Author of the really good PD music.
- Acid Software - For BlitzBasicII !!
- Prrrr! to:
- My mum - To be so much demoralizer.
- Acid Software - To not fix those stupid old bugs !!!
- Stefano - My brother's friend. He promiser to draw some
- ships, but he did nothing, wasting my time.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Black Blade Desing
- is
- Giuliano Pochini and Francesco Leonardi
- Giuliano Pochini Francesco Leonardi
- via Torino, 34 via Aurelia, 251
- 19122 La Spezia 19020 Riccò del Golfo (Sp)
- Italia Italia
- EMail: EMail:
- 2:332/807.18@fidonet 2:332/807.19@fidonet
- Coding, Concept Concept, Desing
- and Programming and Graphic
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Ordeform:
- To:
- Giuliano Pochini
- via Torino, 34
- 19122 La Spezia
- Italia
- I would like to receive the registered version of YAGG
- Name: ________________________________________________________
- Address: ________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________
- EMail: ________________________________________________________
- Hardware config: _________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________
- Other: ________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________
- I send the registration fee by...
- o Lit. 15.000 (or $10 or equivalent) in cash
- included in this letter.
- o An international postal money order of Lit. 15.000.
- o A registered version of a my program, included in this pack.
- I read all the copyright notes of this program an I completely agree
- with them. I will install the registered copy of YAGG only on my Amiga
- and I will not distribuite it.
- _____________________ ___________________________________________
- Data Sign